Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Homework Assignment That I Felt Was Bloggable

I have an amazing life. I am very fortunate to have all that I have without having to work too hard for it. I recognize that, and I am deeply grateful for it. However, this assignment was to look beyond that, and ponder some personal goals that I wish to accomplish in my lifetime.
I could sit here and list off exotic places I’d like to visit or people I’ve dreamed of meeting all day long. But truth be told, I do not have a well thought out bucket list. While I am a firm believer in setting and achieving goals, I think it’s most important to be present in life right now. It’s always good to have a plan, but since when do things turn out the way we expect them to?
With that being said, I did think about some major milestones I’d like to achieve. To be honest, the first thing that comes to mind is to meet Queen Latifah. As strange as it may sound, she has been an idol of mine for quite some time, and to actually see her would literally be a dream come true. Secondly, I plan on traveling as much as possible. I genuinely want to see the world. All of it. Specifically, India, Croatia, Israel, and Italy. I love geography, and I get excited every time I see a map. It’s absolutely astonishing to me that I am stuck here in my tiny corner of the world and there are so many places and people to see. Each country has different cultures and scenery and strengths. Each person has different stories and struggles and talents and maybe they’re looking at a map and wondering about everywhere else just like me. There is life outside of this suburban town, and nothing is more comforting to me.
Other than that, I think the rest of my goals are the simple things. I’d like to make my parents proud. I’d like to be able to find the good in others and in myself. I’d like to break all my bad habits, like biting my nails and oversleeping. I’d like to be able to forgive others and release all my bitterness. I’d like to make sure that I treat the AT&T workers and the grocery store clerks and telemarketers with respect and understanding (someone has to, right?).
Like I said, these are all small and maybe superficial requests on top of the life that I’ve already been blessed to have. My only main goal that I am absolutely determined to achieve is happiness. And I think, so far, I’m on the right track.

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